- I will not be more fabulous. Not any more than I actually am. I have reached my capacity.
- I will not grow my hair out. Really freaking short is long enough for me!
- I'll ALWAYS go on the computer before doing my homework. The reverse is not an option. Who wants good grades?
- On school nights, I will go to bed extremely late. Three or four is good. You don't need quality sleep! The bags-under-your-eyes are in style right now.
- When my driver's test comes around, I will fail it with FLYING COLORS. Especially the parallel parking part.
- I am going to lose NaNo '11. I will write no more than two hundred words a day, if at all. I will have no plot and Mary-Sue characters. I will write like a freaking STEPHANIE MEYER.
- I am not going to make a hat. I will give up and cut it into pieces and cry.
- It's impossible. I will never finish reading all the freaking books on my book wall. I could never finish all of them in one year.
- I won't finish putting up sticky notes on my walls and various other things from my ceiling. It would make my room far too ugly. Plus, the colors clash.
- I wouldn't imagine of blogging more than once a week. Maybe once a month is better.
- I will die. I can't live through another whole year. Plus, the year after next is 2012 and I'll end up dying anyway. It will be much less painful to do it this way.
- I will not try out for Romeo and Juliet. And I will most definitely not get to role of Mercutio who happens to be most fabulous person in the whole world.
- I will be horrified and disappointed when The Legend of Korra comes out. It will be absolutely horrible and I will cry after every episode where I don't see Toph.
- I will not save up enough money to buy an iPad or a laptop. They're far too expensive. I can't do that. Not in a whole year.
- I will make sure that my room is covered in a layer of dirt and candy wrappers.
- I will also let down the MANY readers of my blog with lame posts. Prepare to be bored.
Now for some predictions of the year to come that are not in reverse psychology format.
- Everyone will start panicking and stocking up on canned food for 2012.
- Goliath will come out and be the best freaking thing ever.
- I will turn older.
- The second half of the seventh Harry Potter movie will be sexy, especially with Gringotts and everything. And maybe they'll cut out a few deaths because there are a few choice people who I love.
- Sarah Palin may or may not be mauled by a bear. Or maybe a moose. Either will do.
- I will continue being a stupid and keep using dumb words like squish and
fish and alligator and sexy and things like that when I can't think of anything else.
- I will win THE GAME.
- Actually I already have, but I'm sure that this year the Pope or the Prime Minister of somewhere will confirm it.YAY!
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