Now, we all know that nail polish is a practical item that you can use in fixing up your house and beautifying the things around you. I have gathered a list of some useful as well as some not so useful things to do with it.
- You can paint your phone (cell or home). I've done it with every phone I've had. My first cell phone was sparkle-fied and pretty. My newer one has polka dots on the back. My new phone's name is Dayzeigh. My home phone that I had in my room for a little bit had a pink dot in the center of it. I think that nail polish can make everything prettier. You'll see what else in the coming things.
- Fix your car. I don't mean like, tires or anything, but if you get a scratch, my friend said that her dad thought it was a lot cheaper to buy a bottle of nail polish and use that. I think that that is easily one of the cooler ones.
- Give yourself a tattoo. It's fun. I did that a lot last summer, with dots in funky patterns.
- Paint your Nintendo DS™. Currently, my Nintendo DS™ has many multi-colored dots on in and a few smiley faces. It's also broken and beautiful. It is easily the best DS ever.
- Use it as glue. I've done this many times for school projects when I have no glue and glue is required to do what I'm doing. I've also used to stick rand
om things to my arms. That picture is nail polish in a glue bottle. I mean, really. Look at little kid nail polish.
- Touch up messed up paint on earrings. I also had somewhere else I was going with it, but I forgot.
- You can splash the nail polish in people's faces to blind them so that you can steal stuff from them. I'm not the one who came up with this. It was Nellie's idea. I think that would be the most painful thing in the freaking world.
- You can color code keys. I think this one would actually b
e... useful. It totally is a great idea.
- Make a mustache. On yourself for fun or on your sleeping friend for even funner. It doesn't even limit you to the color of pens you have. You can havea pink or yellow or blue mustache. Or a mustache with all of those colors.
- Paint cool designs on your clothes. Like, on your old pair of jeans. It is prettyful when you do it with sharpies or nail polish, though I'm pretty sure that nail polish disapperates in the washing machine.
- Use glow in the dark nail polish to paint things all glow in the darky. That would be totally fabulous. LIKE YOUR CAR. If you painted your car with glow in the dark nail polish that would be the best EVER.
- Mark off the best temperature in the shower. I can't remember who told me that one, but it is GENIUS. I mean, it takes forever for me to find the perfect temperature, and by then, it wastes so much water. I think everyone who does not own nail polish at the moment should go out and buy some that purpose.
- Get high off the fumes. Again, another bright idea by Nellie. I don't get how people could get high off of it. It's all stinky, but I can't imagine sniffing it for more than a second.
- Seal an envelope. That is a fabulous idea because who wants the icky taste of envelope glue in their mouth?
- Color code notes. I know that everyone loses highlighters and
sharpies, but who loses a bottle of nail polish? And it makes class much more fun and stinky that way. :D
- Paint rocks. You can paint your pet rock and then use it as a paperweight.
- Fix the buttons on your remote that fade away from too much use. I would do that, but I'm sure my parental units would kill me.
- Paint a friend's nails while a teacher is giving a boring lecture. You're actually more likely to pay attention while doodling or something like that. Nail polishing counts as doodling. I'm so serious about it. They did a study.
- Fix a book that has pages torn out. I mean, tape is okay, but it gets in the way of the words and isn't pretty. On the other hand, nail polish is sticky and prettyful. When was the last time you saw pretty scotch tape?
- Edit a story. You can cross things out and put dots by important things. I've done it before and it TOTALLY WORKS. :D
- Actually paint your own nails normally. I know this one sounds like a stretch, but it can be done if you use restraint.
- Make yourself rings and bracelets. Y'know, if you don't already have a billion. And nail polish rings don't hurt when you fist bump and they don't turn your finger green.... unless you use green nail polish.
- Paint a picture. Paint a picture for your mommy using only nail polish. Do it. You know you want to.
- Give your friend a monocle while they're sleeping so they look fancy. Or like the Mechanist. It really depends on if they have eyebrows or not. I'm sure you could fix that for them as well.
- Ward off people who can't stand the smell. It often keeps my
parents out of my room when I use nail polish for random things.
- Put it in cookies, lemonade, a casserole, or a stick of gum. Watch them die. :D Cookie Monster wants you to think that that's a normal cookie.
- Paint your cat's nails. And watch it claw your face.
- Alternately, paint your dog's nails. And watch it eat it off and die.
- Drop them from a tall building with a sidewalk below and watch them explode like a little colorful bomb. I really want to do that someday.
- Paint your father's nails while he sleeps. Though that really won't work for me since my dad is the lightest sleeper ever.
- Alternately, paint your brother's nails. He will either love it or hate it. And kill you either way. Remember to hide the nail polish remover.
- Yet another option is paint your twin cousin's nails while they're sleeping with your other cousin while in a tent at a cottage on a lake. And sadly forget to remember that you left the nail polish remover at home. And they don't have any at the cottage.
YAY you used mine about dropping it and paint cat nails and dog nails and dad nails and pictures. these are great because they're interesting so I'll use some. >:O
Reading this made me want to stab you.
Yes. Sir I praise u
Omg hilarious nd absolutely useful, thankyou so much, I have 53 nailpolish es and have nothing to do ith thm thanks so so. Much.
I have like a billion bottles of polish...and only 10 fingers!!! I painted a mural with only nail polish once..!
u can paint da bak of ur brush wif it.
Nothin lyk a customised brush ay girls?
I fixed a really badly scratched patch on my sunnies a few weeks back. It's a bit blurry, but I can see through it now (use clear coat... Somehow I don't think that coloured polish would work so well. But glitter polish would look awesome...)
haha made me laugh
erin xx
by the way love your name
You can paint the bottom of a boring pair of heels (or just normal shoes/converse) it makes it really funky looking :) I did it and it's great! Xx
Wow thanks sooooo much !!! I have loads of nail varnish and i didn't know what to do with it , now i do
you can make labels for books or anything that doesn't get wet by putting it on a plastic sleeve and waiting fort to dry and peel it off.
With a screw-style cap and durable design this personalized nail polish bottle is certain to last through use and use and fill after fill. custom nail polish bottles
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