Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School year resolutions are for people who want to feel accomplished.

So every year I seem to have the same set of school year resolutions that I break in the first day. Or something. Here's my list of what I can remember. I usually end up adding on to it on the first day.

I always promise myself that I will....

  • Do my homework.
  • Try and join clubs/afterschool things.
  • Make new friend peoples.
  • Do my homework.
  • Get good grades.
  • Make a good impression on my new teachers.
  • Do my homework.
  • Try and give a good effort to participate in class.
  • Be a good student.
  • Do my homework.
  • Get rid of my bad habit of staying up too late on school nights.
I think that's all I can think of.

I usually break all of those on the first day, so I don't know why I keep trying. And for some reason, my brain has been telling me recently that this year I should really try with my homework. I do it sometimes. Most of the time. I just don't put much effort in.

My entire week up until school starts (technically it's a week from today, actually) is completely booked. Babysitting, friends, babysitting, friends, my grandma's birthday, etc. So I am trying to figure out how I'm going to get everything I want done this summer done in the next week.

In other news, it's been a week since Mockingjay came out and I am probably even more disturbed after a week of letting it sink in.

I've become really lazy with this blog recently. I haven't done anything interesting. I'll do it later. Like... tomorrow. I will spend all night tomorrow working on it rather than listening to Defying Gravity a billion times mixed in with A Very Potter Musical. I will do something extremely interesting tomorrow. I have yet to figure out what.  I also really want to see Wicked recently.

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